High-Quality Food Packaging

The productivity of your business and the packaging properties of your products require solutions tailored to your needs. There is a range of models from the LT and Plus Pack brands for all your needs.



Our aluminum containers go in the MICROWAVE !

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to heat food in an aluminum container in the microwave.

Pink for the cause

For every pink container sold, TalThi will donate 1¢ to the Foundation.

100% Recyclable Food Packaging

We opt for aluminum in order to reduce our energy footprint. It’s a perfect material for a variety of food applications, in addition to being continuously recyclable.

Smooth Wall Aluminum

Enjoy smooth wall aluminum containers made with your specifications, consumer requirements, and exact needs in mind.


High-Quality Food Packaging

The productivity of your business and the packaging properties of your products require solutions tailored to your needs. There is a range of models from the LT and Plus Pack brands for all your needs.

Our aluminum containers go in the MICROWAVE !

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to heat food in an aluminum container in the microwave.

Pink for the cause

For every pink container sold, TalThi will donate 1¢ to the Foundation.

Smooth Wall Aluminum

Enjoy smooth wall aluminum containers made with your specifications, consumer requirements, and exact needs in mind.


100% Recyclable Food Packaging

Pour réduire notre empreinte énergétique, nous optons pour l’aluminium. Un matériau parfait pour une panoplie d’applications alimentaires en plus d’être recyclable en continu.

High-Quality Food Packaging

The productivity of your business and the packaging properties of your products require solutions tailored to your needs. There is a range of models from the LT and Plus Pack brands for all your needs.



Our aluminum containers go in the MICROWAVE !

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to heat food in an aluminum container in the microwave.

Pink for the cause

For every pink container sold, TalThi will donate 1¢ to the Foundation.

100% Recyclable Food Packaging

We opt for aluminum in order to reduce our energy footprint. It’s a perfect material for a variety of food applications, in addition to being continuously recyclable.

Smooth Wall Aluminum

Enjoy smooth wall aluminum containers made with your specifications, consumer requirements, and exact needs in mind.



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Did You Know?

That colourful Bistro containers are available?

The different containers colours dynamize the visual aspect of your takeaway meals thanks to brightly colored packaging. The use of colour in packaging is an important element of differentiation, optimizing the visual impact of the product in store. Aluminum Bistro containers are 100% recyclable, offering customers packaging that is both attractive and environmentally friendly.

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